“抗击新冠病毒的中国方案”主题网站今日发布《抗击新冠肺炎疫情的中国实践》中英双语报告,初步总结梳理过去一段时间中国抗击疫情的举措和方法,以期与国际社会携手应对共同威胁和挑战,共同维护全球公共卫生安全。China Daily published a bilingual report on Tuesday detailing China’s measures to combat the COVID-19 outbreak to provide health workers and officials around the world a reference and glimpse into the country’s herculean effort to overcome the epidemic.该报告由中国日报社中国观察智库在采访征询60余位公共卫生专家和中外学者意见的基础上,联合清华大学国情研究院、北京协和医学院卫生健康管理政策学院共同完成。报告分为社会共识和全民动员、社会隔离和交通管控、排查检测和动态监测、诊疗方案和救治能力、资源调配和物资保障、指挥体系和战略方针六个部分,总结了中国抗击疫情的具体实践,梳理了中国采取的公共卫生应对措施,以及在阻断病毒传播方面的做法,希望能为国际科学界和国际社会共同抗击新冠疫情提供参考借鉴。The report, “China’s Fight Against COVID-19″, features six chapters with topics ranging from social mobilization to treatment plans. It was compiled in collaboration with the Institute of Contemporary China Studies at Tsinghua University and the School of Health Policy and Management at Peking Union Medical College.Experts said the report can help readers understand the rationale behind many of China’s decisions, practices and sacrifices. This will, in turn, help reduce uninformed speculation about China’s actions including a city-wide quarantine and revision of death counts.报告客观呈现了中国政府和人民面对疫情的应对举措。日本立命馆大学政策科学部教授周玮生表示,中国如果不采取封城措施,其感染人数有可能超过现在的10倍,在没有新冠病毒有效预防手段和治疗技术的时候,坚决并尽快切断感染源是首要措施。Zhou Weisheng, a professor with the College of Policy Science at Ritsumeikan University in Japan, said if China had not imposed the lockdown on Wuhan and some other cities, the number of infections might have been 10 times higher.”Considering the lack of effective treatment methods for COVID-19, cutting off the source of infection by locking down Wuhan and some other cities as soon as possible was the right measure,” he said.北京医院肾内科主任毛永辉表示,如果外国媒体和政客能真正了解我们全国为了对抗疫情做出的努力,他们就不会盲目质疑我们所取得的成绩。Mao Yonghui, a senior kidney doctor at Beijing Hospital who was tasked of treating severe patients in Wuhan, said most doubts can be addressed if foreign politicians and media have a basic understanding of the monumental endeavor the whole nation made to contain the virus.华中科技大学副校长、同济医学院院长陈建国表示,中国的实际情况证明目前的体制是最有效的,国外可能不同,需要结合当地的实际情况,找到控制疫情最有效的办法。Chen Jianguo, president of Tongji Medical College in Wuhan, said the key to China’s success are strict quarantine, building makeshift hospitals, and unwavering logistical support from the government.”Reality has proven that China’s methods and systems work,” he said.联合课题组表示,这个报告通过广泛收集征询专家学者意见,基于权威文献资料梳理,由媒体联合科研机构进行共同研究,以调研报告的形式讲述“中国抗击疫情故事”,但随着疫情形势变化和抗疫工作进展,尚需不断更新充实完善。作为较早总结中国抗击新冠肺炎疫情实践的一次尝试,希望起到“抛砖引玉”之效,以尊重科学、遵从规律、尊崇实践的精神,不断总结好人类战胜重大传染性疾病的经验。这次疫情的发生再次表明,人类是一个休戚与共的命运共同体。在国务院新闻办公室的支持下,中国日报于上月推出 “抗击新冠病毒的中国方案”英文主题网站,该网站由国家卫生健康委员会、科学技术部、国家药品监督管理局和国家中医药管理局共同指导。上线后,引起舆论高度关注,特别是海外读者对网站分享的科普知识、治疗方案和社会动员举措等中国做法给予了高度评价。《抗击新冠肺炎疫情的中国实践》报告全文”China’s fight against COVID-19″full text↓Click here to view the report↓China Daily热词训练营上线啦!